Sr. Stella Sabina, Mangnai Assemian and Betsy Wiersma
Essentially, we are all humanitarian workers. We have different backgrounds, come from various walks of life and live all over the world. We work together because we have a common goal: to make a difference in the lives of girls and women in Africa.
For most of us, it began with hearing the stories of oppressive traditions being inflicted on girls by members of their own ethnic groups. These traditions include female circumcision, child and forced marriage, rape, sexual trafficking, and slavery. Unfortunately, these horrible practices are rooted in many areas of Africa and are seen as an integral part of culture and ethnic identity.
Active Board Members:
· Sister Stella Sabina, Director (USA)
· Sister M. Namusisi, Coordinator (Uganda)
· Teddy Nansubuga Uganda Projects
. Aymonne Assemian, U.S.A
· Betsy and Rhonda Support and Fundraising (USA)